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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
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 Einweg- & Mehrwegpfand
SethSothell Offline

Beiträge: 1.217
Punkte: 206

06.10.2011 17:36
Dosenwachstum in Finland Zitat · Antworten

Sie lesen zwar eh nicht hier mit aber an alle Ökospastis die immer noch glauben, durch Einweg-Zwangspfand könnte die Dose zurückgedrängt werden:

26 September 2011

Rexam to build new beverage can plant in Finland

Rexam PLC, the global consumer packaging company, is to build a new beverage can plant in Finland.

The plant will be located in Mantsala in south west Finland some 60km north of Helsinki. It represents an investment of c £68m over three years and forms part of Rexam’s current capital investment plans. When completed, it will have two lines and a capacity of approximately 1.35bn 330ml and 500ml aluminium cans. The first line is expected to be operational by the start of 2013 while the second line is planned for start up in January 2014.

The Nordic market has shown good growth in recent years and Finland itself has experienced a steady transition from glass bottles to can fillings. In the last five years, the beverage can’s share of the pack mix for beer in Finland, for example, has grown from just above 10% to more than 60%.

The building of the new plant will allow Rexam to serve growing customer demand in Finland and the Baltic states in coming years, to optimise logistics and to further enhance plant efficiency across its European beverage can network. Offline

Beiträge: 8.393
Punkte: 5.383

06.10.2011 23:57
#2 RE: Dosenwachstum in Finland Zitat · Antworten

Ist doch der beste Beweis, daß selbst in den nordischen Ur-Dosenpfand die Dosen immer weiter auf dem Vormarsch sind und das obwohl das auch noch alls dünn besiedelte Regionen sind.


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