Habe einen Bericht über die teuerste Getränkedose der Welt entdeckt. Es ist eine mit Diamanten besetzte Dose:
For the 70th anniversary of the drinks can, the BCME asked legendary British fashion designer, Zandra Rhodes, to create an exceptional new design for a very limited edition of cans, 500 only.
And guess what? One of the cans has been decorated with diamonds and will be displayed from the 23rd February to the 19th March 2006 at the Alcazar, the mythical Parisian nightspot.
Picture: The Special diamonds Zandra Rhodes can.
In creating this “jewel-bedecked” can, Zandra Rhodes has created the most expensive can in the world, estimated to be worth 25 000 euros.
Shown in Spain in last October, the can arrived in Paris and will continue its European trip, which will end in UK, where it will finally be sold by auction.
The sales profits will pay into a charity.
To celebrate the can’s arrival in Paris, a party has been organised at the Alcazar the 23rd February 2006.
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