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25.09.2008 20:30
Coca-Cola cuts can weight by 5% Zitat · Antworten

Coca-Cola cuts can weight by 5%

September 24, 2008

The drinks giant estimates that it will save 78,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions across Europe a year by reducing the weight of its aluminium drinks cans by 5%. It has cut the weight of the body of the 330ml can, which is now 0.097mm wide - the equivalent of a human hair.

The new design was developed and tested last year at Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) sites in Wakefield, Milton Keynes and Sidcup, supported by Wrap (Waste Resources & Action Programme) in conjunction with Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME).

A report published this week by Wrap said the new can design will save 15,000 tonnes of aluminium across the EU each year.

Coca-Cola says the can is lighter but as strong and robust as its predecessor. It will be used for all of the company’s products including Regular and Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Dr Pepper and Lilt.

"This work has changed the design of aluminium drinks cans forever," says CCE European president Hubert Patricot. "This project is delivering a significant reduction to the packaging carbon footprint of our business across Europe."

Around 6.5 billion lightweighted cans have been produced and distributed across Europe so far. And next year, more than 15 billion cans will be produced using the new design.

Last year CCE lightweighted the 330ml glass Coca-Cola Contour bottle and cut 2,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year as part of its pledge to design out packaging weight growth by 2008, and achieve an absolute reduction in packaging by 2010. Offline

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25.09.2008 21:57
#2 RE: Coca-Cola cuts can weight by 5% Zitat · Antworten

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