Just wanna share already some information: Very soon, Coca-Cola Belgium will release a "Happiness Factory II" -set of 4 Coca-Cola cans. As soon as i have them, i will add a picture here.
When you have interest to have this set, just let me know. Then i already know the quantity i have to search in perfect condition. (contact: info@eaglecoke.be)
I hope to get the last Denmark happiness can this saturday. All cans from the Denmark set are now at my homepage and on the picture below (I hope it's not to big for all your monitors )
Yes, indeed and also soon all the Fanta cans will change with a new logo-design in Belgium. I think this will happend in every european country, because Greece and UK are also started with the launch of the new Fanta-design.
Ok, thanks for your message, i already have made a note to reserve a set for you.
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